Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Giveaway Coming Up...

Stay tuned for a brand new giveaway from Right on the Nail! Until then, enjoy a picture of my cats (Mr. Nose and Eclipse...we call her Clipsy cat)

 Kitty Lurve

It's a Nose nest!

What IS this thing?!


Tierney said...

Awhh, kitties <33

Mike Matteson said...

Sorry about the quality, folks. I think at least two of those are from my iPhone.

WizardsOfBling said...

Polyductyl! Gotta luv them big feets!

Mike Matteson said...

Clipse does look like she has huge paws in that photo. She doesn't, though. She might have been spreading her toes when I took the picture or something. It would be neat to have a cat with mitten-feet, but we don't.